Healthy habits
01. waking up in the morning:
The first sentence sounds very simple, but its significance is more than a four-word line. You may not need to wake up with the sun every morning to brighten your day.
But our bodies and brains have always evolved to follow circadian rhythms. Which essentially controls our sleep and wake patterns like sunset to sunrise. It acts as a naturally regulated rhythm that plays a role in our body's digestive system, immune system, stress response and energy levels. After 2-3 hours of sleep, the level of cortisol (a type of steroid hormone) in the human body gradually increases, which basically helps us to wake up early in the morning. Cortisol levels peak between 8:30 am and 9:00 am. As the day goes on its level decreases. So following the body's natural circadian rhythm and cortisol levels is an easy way to maximize energy levels, productivity and overall health.
02. Start by drinking water as soon as you wake up in the morning:
Staying hydrated is vital to our health. Although we have heard the saying many times, we often ignore it. Our bodies are 60% water and not drinking enough water can cause more than dehydration. However, drinking enough water throughout the day is essential. But starting the morning by drinking water is the most beneficial for the body. This practice not only refreshes you but also helps to hydrate the body during digestion and metabolism.
03. Put effort and time into keeping yourself active regularly:
Humans are designed to move. But we have simplified our lives so much that we have sent the body to complete rest. Most people now get everything done lying down. Gone are our days — where daily life included manual labor. It is important to do some physical exercise every day according to our rules. It can be cycling, swimming, morning walk or going to the gym. Do what you feel comfortable doing every day for wellness.
04. Practice eating any food sitting down:
We spend a lot of time standing up and eating a lot of food. Which is unhealthy for the body. So if you need to eat any food, it is better to eat sitting. Eating while sitting helps digestion a lot. Because we chew the food while sitting.
05. Go for a walk every day:
Walking is a healthy habit that you can do every day. Walking is often overlooked because it's too easy or because of the perception that it doesn't 'burn a lot of calories'. Walking not only improves fitness, cardiovascular markers and helps prevent weight gain. But it also helps with posture, mood, circulation, chronic disease risk, as well as fatigue and depression.
Daily walks, long or short periods of time outdoors, and increased exposure to sunlight can help further support the body's production of vitamin D and natural circadian rhythms.
06. Include vegetables in your daily diet:
The importance of vegetables is more than its name sounds cheap. Because vegetables are not only a complete food, they are rich sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. These ingredients help in regular functioning of the digestive system, relieve constipation and digestive problems. According to Medical Science, people who eat vegetables daily have a 20 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
07. Read a little book every day:
Reading is beneficial to both your physical and mental health, and those benefits can last a lifetime. Not only does reading stimulate physical growth, but it can reduce stress, prevent age-related cognitive decline, and induce a good night's sleep. Reading is your mental health workout. It's just as important to take care of your brain as you take care of your body.
08. Go to bed early:
Sleep is the only time where our body is able to relax, rest and recover. Unfortunately, many are staying awake every night unnecessarily which is having a devastating effect on our health. Many people are shortening their sleep time for other activities.
Spending too much time on things including television, social media, and video games should lead to less sleep. Lack of adequate sleep, or poor quality sleep, has been linked to memory problems, mood swings, weakened immune systems, altered eating behaviors and aging.
Lack of proper sleep helps reduce this because lack of sleep has been shown to create imbalances in insulin, leptin, corti and other hormones, which have profound effects on the mind. So every night turn off digital devices, read books, turn off and quiet lights, go to bed. The next day will be good for you.
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