Nutritional value of dates

 Nutritional value of dates 
Nutritional value of dates

Light hot milk before going to bed at night is beneficial for health. Serotonin originates from an amino acid called tryptophan in milk. The signals it sends to the brain help to ease nervous tension. Maybe that's why drinking milk makes it easier to sleep. Just as milk is beneficial, the nutritional value of dates as dry fruits is beneficial for both male and female. Dates rich in iron are effective in preventing multiple problems including heart, high blood pressure, constipation. This fruit improves the sexual health of men, and also increases the sperm count.

Olive oil benefits for skin

Rich in various minerals, this date palm increases the immunity of various diseases, especially in the male body. Due to its antioxidants, it is beneficial to get rid of chronic diseases. These include cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and heart disease. Due to the strong antioxidant properties of dates, it is considered good for improving long-lasting conditions.

Prevents skin aging :
Regular consumption of dates brings elasticity, moisture and shine to the skin. The vitamins C and D present in it play an effective role in preventing skin loosening. Not only this, the anti-ageing properties present in dates do not allow the body to collect melanin. This keeps your skin young for a long time. Dates are very effective in male skin care. Men usually don't do anything for their skin. In that case, the skin will be good from the inside by playing dates regularly.

Controls diabetes :
Due to the antioxidant properties of dates, it helps in the treatment of diabetes. This fruit can improve the functioning of the pancreas in the insulin secrete. The presence of adequate amount of fiber keeps a person's blood sugar level steady.

Eliminates infertility :
The large amount of fiber found in dates can cure many diseases. Playing it cures diabetes, obesity and heart disease. At the same time, it helps in reducing the risk of conditions like stomach cancer and ulcers. In Africa, it has been seen that people there have been dates for a long time due to male infertility. However, according to experts, more research is needed on this issue. It is heard that the pollen in the palm flower removes infertility, increases sperm. Dates and its swollen pollens improve the quality of DNA and increase the strength of the oasis. Due to the pressure of men's work, many times the body is weak, then if you eat a few dates, then you will get back the previous energy.

Able to reduce high blood pressure :
The potassium and sodium present in dates reduces high blood pressure in the body. He removes bad cholesterol and increases the level of good cholesterol in the body. Dates contain a lot of potassium and a very small amount of sodium. The habit of eating dates every day reduces bad cholesterol in the body and increases the level of good cholesterol.

Eliminates heart problems :
In most men, it is seen that heart problems occur due to excessive cholesterol. In this case, soak the dates in a glass of water before going to bed every night. If you get up in the morning and drink that water, heart problems will be reduced. Dates increase the performance of the heart. It speeds up the bloodstream. Maintains the balance of sodium-potassium in the body. Dates contain all the nutrients that help in the digestion of food. Prevents constipation. 

Increased hemoglobin levels in the blood :
Both milk and dates have adequate levels of iron. When these two things are mixed together, the level of iron increases further. According to experts, it increases the level of hemoglobin and protein in the blood. According to a study, when boiled with two dates in milk, the food is considered to be the healthiest. You can consume this beneficial drink at a certain time on an empty stomach. In just 10 days, the problem of anemia will disappear.

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