liver disease symptoms
A very important organ in our body is the liver. This organ plays a major role in digestion. The liver or liver's job is to take out all the waste in the body and keep the body healthy.
But if the liver loses its normal performance, then the risk of death increases. Now how do you know if your liver is working properly or if it has been damaged in any way? There's a way.
Some of the symptoms will appear in your body, which will make you know if your liver or liver is sick!
1) If there is a sudden reluctance to eat and drink, if you see that you do not want to eat food, then do not ignore the matter. Because, it can be a sign of liver problems. Go to the doctor immediately.
2) Be careful if there is pain on the right side of the abdomen, slightly below the ribs. This can be a sign of liver problems. Don't ignore it.
3) Are you vomiting when you play something? Nausea all the time? It may be due to liver or liver problems. If there is a fatty liver problem, get tested as advised by the doctor.
4) If the color of the stool and urine suddenly changes, then you should be careful now. There is a problem with your liver. There is also a problem with digestion. Go to the doctor immediately without neglect.
5) If suddenly the color of the white part of your eyes, the skin of the skin has started to turn yellow, then do not ignore it. Because it's a sign of jaundice. Go to the doctor immediately.
6) If all of a sudden, your skin becomes very dry in any place, the peel starts peeling, then do not ignore the matter. This can be a sign of liver problems.
7) If the lower part of your stomach is abnormally swollen and the condition remains the same for a long time, be careful! This can be a sign of water accumulation in the liver. This is called liver kirhosis.