how many calories should i eat a day | how many calories do i need

how many calories should I eat a day

When we think of calories, most people think about how much fat is in the diet. Calories mean weight gain. But in medical terms it is the source of our energy. If we consume more calories than our body needs, we will gain weight and if we consume less calories, we will lose weight, as well as lose muscle strength. So everyone should follow the diet chart given by the doctor.

How many calories a person needs to consume daily?

The type and amount of food we eat usually determines the amount of calories we receive. When and how we eat the food also plays a big role. Generally, an adult woman should consume 1800-2400 calories per day while men should consume 2000-3000 calories. The caloric intake of a child is 1000 calories per day, for those aged 16-18, 3200 calories and for those aged 19-25, 2000-2200 calories.

In general, the body's need for calories decreases with age.

Some information about daily calorie intake-

A person's calorie intake depends on his age, height, gender and body condition and lifestyle.

- Eating heavy meals in the morning helps to keep the body weight right.

- A menu of 500 calorie vegetable and fruit foods and another similar amount of calorie snacks can keep the quality of the body and the body's food needs for a long time.

- You should not eat a lot of food at the same time in a day, you should eat little by little throughout the day, so that you do not eat extra food and do not gain extra weight.

Here is what a person should have on their daily food list:

1) Fruits - It is very important to keep seasonal fruits on the food list. As a result, it naturally contains sugar which satisfies our body's need for sugar. You can eat fruits or fruit juices without eating processed foods that contain processed sugar.

2) Vegetables - Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. We should have plenty of green vegetables in our daily diet. Such as- spinach, broccoli, bean sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower etc. In general, all the vegetables that are available in that season should be eaten.

3) Cereal foods - Whole-grain foods should be included in the list of these foods. Any kind of cereals, pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, wheat flour etc. in the market. It is better to avoid white flour as it contains very little amount of nutrition.

4) Protein foods - meat, fish, beans are rich in protein. Almonds are also a very good source of protein. Walnuts, peanuts are some examples.

5) Dairy - These foods meet the needs of vitamin D and calcium. But keep in mind that it also contains fat. So even if you eat a small amount and fat free milk, yogurt should be eaten.

6) Oil - Low fat national oil is very important for our daily diet. Use rice bran oil, olive oil as edible oil. When buying edible oil, read the label on the oil. In this case you can buy Saffola Active Oil. It contains Orienol and Omega 3 which help in maintaining good weight by reducing bad cholesterol. It is recognized as a healthy edible oil as it is made up of 70% rice bran oil and 20% soybean oil.

Find out how many calories a person needs daily, what food he needs, etc. In this way, it is possible to live a healthy, vigorous and lively life by keeping this information in mind while taking food every day. Stay well and eat healthy food.

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